Translation Workflow

Creating translation catalogs, translating and updating them.

Somehow translating something from language into another by software and some kind of translation database is a trivial thing. This is the reason why there are countless translation frameworks out there.

Almost all of them have at least one of two common problems:

  • They ignore that translatable strings should be automatically extracted from source code. But copying strings manually into a translation file is a tedious and errorprone task.
  • Source code, be it programming code or the markdown code of your blog posts may change over time. Whenever the original is touched, you want to apply these changes with minimal effort to the other language variants. You certainly don't want to start with the translation from scratch, neither for the entire project or a particular string.

Qgoda's internationalization (i18n) is based on GNU gettext. GNU gettext is the de-facto standard for translating free and open-source software, and it really shines by its set of mature tools that automate the task of translation management to the extent possible.

If you want to dig deeper into the topic or if something is unclear, you can always consult the GNU gettext documentation for the "big picture". This page covers mostly the qgoda-specific topics only. But it should be enough to get you started.


GNU Gettext

Since Qgoda's internationalization is based on GNU gettext you have to install it first. GNU gettext is available for every platform, including Microsoft Windows. But it is often split up into two packages "gettext-runtime" and "gettext-tools". Make sure that you install "gettext-tools" which contains the necessary tools.


You also need git. Git is available on all platforms.


It is also assumed that you have read the chapters Konfiguration and Translating Templates so that there is something to translate.

The minimal configuration you need are the variables linguas and po.textdomain. Put something like this into _qgoda.yaml:

    - en
    - de
    - fr
    textdomain: com.your-site.www

The order of languages (line 1) matters! The first one is the default language of your site. If you want to follow the examples on this page, make sure that linguas contains at least two languages, one for your default language and at least one that can contribute translations.

The textdomain is not really important. You can pretty much pick any identifier you want.

The po Sub-Command

Most tasks are done with the sub-command qgoda po. Try qgoda po --help for a reference.

Please note that you have to run the command qgoda po from the top-level directory of your site! Failure to do so will usually result in an error message "configuration variable “po.textdomain” not set" (because Qgoda cannot find your configuration).

Stages Of the Workflow

The translation workflow consists of several steps. You can perform the steps individually (that is described below) or you all at once with the command qgoda po all, which will do all necessary steps at once. This will usually result in some unnecessary actions but is easier to remember

Nevertheless, you should go at least once over the rest of the page so that you understand what is going on and how to translate things.

Creating the POTFILES

The subdirectory _po will later contain everything that is needed for translating your site. The file _po/POTFILES should contain a list of files that have translatable strings. You can create it by hand or easier like this:

$ qgoda po potfiles
[info][config] reading configuration from '_qgoda.yaml'
[info] creating “_po”
[info] creating “_po/Makefile”
[info] cloning git repository “”
Cloning into '/var/folders/54/b5jrb7hs2191y9nh2w5d0j7w0000gn/T/0ObN0NZ837'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 21, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 21 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (21/21), 11.18 KiB | 11.18 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), done.
[info] creating “_po/PACKAGE”
[info] creating “_po/PLFILES”
[info] creating “_po/.gitignore”
[info] creating “_po/”
[info] writing “_po/POTFILES”
[info][plugin-loader] initializing plug-ins.
[info] writing “_po/MDPOTFILES”

As you can see in line 5 a git repository with the necessary infrastructure is cloned. All files reside in the directory _po. The file _po/POTFILES will contain a list of files that can potentially contain translatable strings.

There are two more "POTFILES":

  • _po/PLFILES: If your side uses internatioinalized Perl code, list the file names here, so that their strings get automatically translated, too.
  • _po/MDPOTFILES: This will contain all of your content files that have to be translated if you also want to translate your content with PO files. See PO Translations for more information..

Creating the PO Template (.pot) File

The main translation catalog is stored as a so-called PO template file under _po/, where TEXTDOMAIN is the textdomain you have configured in the configuration variable po.textdomain.

A .pot file has the same format as normal .po files only that it contains only the original strings and no translations. You should never edit it, because it gets overwritten, whenever you extract new strings.

You create the file like this:

$ qgoda po pot
[info][config] reading configuration from '_qgoda.yaml'
[info] execute: xgettext 

You will see a lot of output which you can safely ignore as long as you don't see an error message.

Adding a Language

While setting up i18n and then whenever you add a language to your site you have to initialize a .po file for that language and add it to the configuration variable linguas in _qgoda.yaml:

    - en
    - fr
    - de

You also have to initialize a .po file for it:

$ cd /path/to/your/site
$ cd _po
$ msginit --input=com.example.www.pot --locale=de
The new message catalog should contain your email address, so that users can
give you feedback about the translations, and so that maintainers can contact
you in case of unexpected technical problems.

Is the following your email address?
Please confirm by pressing Return, or enter your email address.
Retrieving done.
A translation team for your language (de) does not exist yet.
If you want to create a new translation team for de, please visit

Created de.po.

You will be prompted for your email address so that the copyright information in the .po file can be initialized.

The command msginit has two mandatory arguments (see line 3 above):

  • --input is the name of your .pot file
  • --locale is the language identifier

The command has created a .po file for your language (see line 19) that can now be translated.

Updating Translations

When strings are added or modified, the translations have to be updated. That requires the following steps:

  • a new POTFILES that contains the updated list of source files
  • a new .pot file that contains the new set of translatable strings
  • mergint the .pot file into the existing .po translation files with the command msgmerge

This is done with qgoda po update-po:

$ qgoda po update-po
[info][config] reading configuration from '_qgoda.yaml'
[info] merging de.po
[info] rename “de.po” to “de.old.po”
[info] execute: msgmerge de.old.po com.example.www.pot --previous -o de.po
. done.
[info] unlink “de.old.po”

When you have more content to translate this may take considerable time because msgmerge is trying to do the merge in a smart manner so that you don't lose existing translations.

After this step, your translation files are up-to-date and can be translated.

Translating the .po Files

The .po format is accepted by many professional translators. If you want to translate the file yourself, do not use your normal text editor (unless it is emacs) but use a specialized tool for it. Search the web for "PO Editor" and you will find a number of free programs.

For now, just open the .po file in your editor. You will see lots of entries like this:

#: ../_views/partials/body.html:4
msgid "Hello, world!"
msgstr "Hallo, Welt!"

The string after msgstr is the translation. Try to translate at least one string that is easy to recognize, when you rebuild your site.

Compile the .po Files

The .po files are not immediately used for looking up translations but are compiled into binary .mo files. The compilation also checks the .po file for syntax errors and semantic errors.

You can perform this step with qgoda po mo:

$ qgoda po update-mo
[info][config] reading configuration from '_qgoda.yaml'
[info] execute: msgfmt --check --statistics --verbose -o de.po
de.po:7: warning: header field 'Project-Id-Version' still has the initial default value
de.po: 1 translated message.

You can fix the warning (line 4) by editing the first entry of the .po file and fill in the missing information.

In the last line you will see statistics about your translations, in particular the number of translated and untranslated strings and fuzzy translations.

Installation der Übersetzungen

The last step is to install and use the translation:

$ qgoda po install
[info][config] reading configuration from '_qgoda.yaml'
[info] create directory “/path/to/your/site/LocaleData/de/LC_MESSAGES”
[info] copy “” to “/path/to/your/site/LocaleData/de/LC_MESSAGES/”

The directory LocaleData contains the compiled translations. You should add it to the [files to be excluded](Dateien ausschließen) by Qgoda.

The next time you rebuild your site with qgoda watch or qgoda build the translated strings should be visible in their respective document versions.


The above explanation is relatively detailed. Under normal circumstances you can just type qgoda po all before everything that has to do with translations and you're done.

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