
Learn how input locations are translated to output locations in Qgoda.

Please note that determining the output location for assets differs significantly from other systems for example Jekyll. Whereas in Jekyll you normally set the permalink of an asset, in Qgoda you normally set the output path and the permalink is computed from the path. The result is very similar but maybe more flexible.

By default, an asset's location is simply preserved. That means if you have an asset {srcdir}/assets/images/logo.jpeg it will be copied to {sitedir}/assets/images/logo.jpeg.

Path Translation

Processed assets are subject to path translation. Their relative path to the site directory is by default modified. With the default configuration the asset {srcdir}/pages/en/about-qgoda.htm would end up as {sitedir}/pages/en/about-qgoda/index.htm and the markdown input file {srcdir}/posts/en/ would end up as {sitedir}/posts/en/version-0.2-released/index.html.

For the gory details of the process, let's take the input location {srcdir}/posts/en/ as an example.

The starting point is the relative path to the source directory /posts/en/ which has the following components:

The directory portion.
The basename, that is the filename portion without the suffix or suffixes.
The suffix or filename extension.

By default the output location of a document in Qgoda relative to the configured site directory is {directory}/{basename}/{index}.{suffix}. The variable index has the default value "index" which is no coincidence but the default value used by all common web servers.

Suffix Translation

Asset processing is triggered by the suffixes of the source file. The triggers are defined in the variable processors.triggers in the site configuration file _qgoda.yaml. Look at this excerpt of the Qgoda default configuration:

        md: markdown
        html: html
        htm: html
            modules: [Markdown, HTML]
            suffix: html
            wrapper: html
            modules: HTML
       Markdown: Markdown
       HTML: Template::Toolkit

The suffix md triggers the processor chain markdown. This chain has configured an output suffix html. The translated filename of the output file is therefore not but index.html.

The processor chain html does not define an output suffix. The suffix is therefore left untouched.

Mehrere Endungen

A filename can have multiple suffixes, for example This is useful for content negotiation as implemented in the popular Apache web server. When doing suffix translation, Qgoda translates the rightmost suffix. The example filename would therefore be translated into what-is-qgoda/

It is also important to note that all suffixes are considered for processor chain selection. The rightmost suffix "wins". If you have a filename the markdown processor chain will be selected because md is right of html.

Gory Details of Suffix Parsing

You may have noticed in one the above example the filename which gets translated into version-0.2-released/ Obviously only md is considered a suffix and 2-released is not.

Qgoda's notion of a suffix is a string of one or more alphanumerical characters. Since 2-released contains a hyphen, it is not considered a suffix.

Suffixes are extracted right to left, stopping at the first false positive. Take as a rather esoteric example. The software would consider md, en, utf8 suffixes and stop then because beta-released contains a non-alphanumerical character. Although 22 (before the string "beta") contains only alphanumerical characters because the suffix extraction had already stopped.


Permalinks are computed from the output location. By default, they are simply the relative path to the site directory. If the filename portion of the output location matches the configured index string (normally "index") followed by one or more suffixes the filename is stripped off.

For example posts/en/about-qgoda/ would be translated into the permalink /posts/en/about-qgoda/.


You can fully customize both output location and permalinks by setting the variables location or permalink respectively in the front matter of an asset, as a default for a certain directory or site wide in _qgoda.yaml.

You can interpolate all kinds of asset variables into the configured string by placing them inside {curly} braces. For example the default configuration for the variable location is /{directory}/{basename}/{config.index}.{suffix}.

The following variables are meaningful for location and permalink customization:

The absolute path of the asset.
The relative path of the asset, without a leading slash.
The directory portion of "path" without a leading or trailing slash. This will be the empty string for assets in the top-level source directory.
The current filename
The basename portion of the filename (without suffix/suffixes).
The suffix (resp. suffixes) with a leading dot, subject to translation. If there are no suffixes the variable does not exist.
The site configuration as read from "_qgoda.yaml"
The date of the asset. Do not use directly but one of the subkeys below.
Seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970)
The four-digit year.
The two-digit month (01-12).
The month (1-12) without the leading zero.
The two-digit day of the month (01-31).
The day of the month (1-31) without the leading zero.
A synonym for "date.mday".
A synonym for "date.imday".
The hour of the day (01-24).
The hour of the day (1-24) without the leading zero.
The hour of the day (01-12) on a 12-hour clock.
The hour of the day (1-12) on a 12-hour clock without the leading zero.
The national representation of either "ante meridiem" (a.m.) or "post meridiem" (p.m.) as appropriate. This can be an empty string, depending on the currently selected locale.
The minutes (01-59).
The minutes (1-59) without the leading zero.
The seconds (01-60).
The seconds (1-60) without the leading zero.
The string "DST" (may be translated!) if Daylight Savings Time is in use
The computed location of the document. Before the location is computed, the variable is a synonym for "path".
The computed permalink of the document. Before the permalink is computed, the variable is a synonym for `location`.

Note that variables are not necessarily plain old strings but can be more complicated. Take this example configuration in YAML:

    foo: 1 #
    bar: 2 # dictionary['bar']
    baz: 3 # dictionary["baz"]
    - Tom    # array[0]
    - Dick   # array.1 also works.
    - Harry  # array['2'], you can also use double quotes.

Quoted strings have JavaScript semantics!

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