Helper Programs

Helper programs perform auxiliary tasks in the background.

Qgoda's main task is to process source files into output files, normally HTML files. It cannot bundle ressources like stylesheets, JavaScript files, fonts, or images, neither does it have a built-in web server. All such tasks are delegated to helper programs.


Helpers are configured with the configuration variable helpers. The value of that variable is a hash. The keys are arbitrary identifiers that you can choose yourself, and the values are either plain strings or an array.

  dev: "npm run watch"
  browser-sync: "npm run server

The above is equivalent to:

  - npm
    - run
    - watch
    - npm
    - run
    - server

The second form is easier to use, if arguments contain spaces or other special characters that would have to be escaped from your command-line shell.

Running Helpers

Helper programs are only executed in watch mode. Most of the time, they will be programs that never terminate but watch the file system for changes and process them. That is pretty much the same what Qgoda does in watch mode.

If you can configure which files these helpers should monitor for changes, it is usually a good only look for changes on _timestamp. This file is modified, whenever Qgoda has re-built the site. If a helper program watches all source files, a lot of unnecessary re-processing may take place.

Note that building a site with qgoda build does not execute any helpers. Rationale: Helper programs usually run forever.



This platform does not allow terminating child processes. If you interrupt Qgoda with CTRL-C or by creating a _stop file, the background processes will continue. Qgoda will issue a warning that you have to close the window in order terminate the helper programs.

Qgoda Running in a Docker Container

A software container cannot execute files of the host system. That means that helper programs theoretically work, when Qgoda is running a docker. But the files are searched inside of the container.

If you really want to use that feature in a dockerized Qgoda, you have to extend the Qgoda base image and install additional software in the container. In general, it will be easier to just run the helper programs in a separate environment.

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