Dateien und Verzeichnisse

Vollständige Liste verwendeter Dateien und Verzeichnisse

Eine typische Qgoda-Site beinhaltet verschiedene Standard-Dateien und -Verzeichnisse. Diese sind in der folgenden Liste beschrieben.

  • _assets Typ: directory Überschreibbar:

    This directory usually keeps the source files for assets, for example JavaScript files or (S)CSS files. Qgoda does not use this name internally. It is just a convention.
  • _qgoda.yaml Typ: file Überschreibbar:

    Qgoda's main configuration file.
  • _qgoda.yml Typ: file Überschreibbar:

    Qgoda's secondary configuration file. It is only used if _qgoda.yaml does not exist.
  • _includes Typ: directory Überschreibbar: paths.includes

    Directory for included content snippets. You use that for example like [% q.include("_includes/") %]. Using the name `_includes` is not enforced by Qgoda. But you should use a name that starts with an underscore (so that the files are not misinterpreted as regular content) and add the negated name to the configuration variable `C:exclude-watch`.
  • _plugins Typ: directory Überschreibbar: paths.plugins

    Directory for site-specific plug-ins. Plug-Ins in this directory are automatically activated.
  • _site Typ: directory Überschreibbar:

    The output directory. This will normally be the document root of your web server. Files and directories in _site are overwritten without warning.
  • _stop Typ: file Überschreibbar:

    If a file named `_stop` is found in the top-level source directory, it gets deleted and Qgoda terminates immediately. The content of the file will be reported as the reason for the termination in the logs. You can use this feature for programmatically terminating Qgoda without signalling it.
  • _timestamp Typ: file Überschreibbar: paths.timestamp

    This file contains the time, when _site was last re-created as seconds since the epoch. If you automatically re-load pages in the browser, for example with browser-sync, you should specify _timestamp as the file to watch for changes.
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